Well, I’ve finished my training, such as it was. I was looking back on this blog and re-read a post about my training in 2015. That being my first Camino I was serious about preparing for the walk. I kept records then on how far I was walking and riding my bike. Back then I walked 443 miles and rode my bike a whopping 1732 miles. This time, not so much. I didn’t keep track this time, but I know I didn’t even come close to that kind of mileage. Of course I am a lot less apprehensive this time as I know the terrain and my ability. Plus I’m going a lot slower and planning on keeping the daily mileage to 12 miles a day or less. I’ve got 45 days to get from Pamplona to Santiago. In 2015 I walked it in 34 days, plus 3 days off, so I should be just fine. I shared a couple of training hikes with fellow pilgrim Dennis, who will be going on his first Camino a couple of weeks behind me. Training with someone is a lot less tedious as you are engaged in conversation most of the time. Dennis is pictured below.
During my training period I’ve been vacillating between taking my drone or leaving it behind. At first I was taking it, then I decided not to, until several people encouraged me to take it. So it’s going with me. If it becomes a burden, then I can mail it ahead to Santiago where it will be waiting my arrival. In all probability I won’t be posting any video while in Spain and will wait till I get home to do that. Editing is very time consuming. I will of course be posting on the blog as I go along, but not on a daily basis. When I think I have something to say or feel an update is needed, I’ll post.
A word or two about pack weight. There is a rule of thumb on the Camino that one should not carry more that 10% of his body weight. I don’t know who’s thumb they are using, but it doesn’t make much sense. Sure it can be used as a guide, but what if you weigh 100 pounds or 300 pounds. Most people carry between 15 and 20 pounds, which in my way of thinking sounds pretty good. As for me, my pack weighs 18 pounds, before I added the drone and water. With those additional items I’m right at 22 pounds. With the front or balance pack that I will be taking, I am pretty comfortable. I tried putting everything in my pack, it fit alright, but after a while I develop pain between the shoulders. With the balance pack containing the drone, iPad and camera stuff, I’m really comfortable and not experiencing any pain.
Here’s a short video of my training to bore you.
So, next Sunday I’m off. After a couple of days in Madrid, I’ll take the train to Pamplona where I’ll spend one more night before starting to walk on the 12th. Follow along and feel free to ask questions and comment.