Monday, January 20, 2014


After giving it considerable thought and weighing the positives vs the negatives I've decided to postpone my Camino till next year.  I had intended on walking starting in May, but several things have led me to the decision to postpone for now.  My left shoulder is in pain most of the time.  I've been to the doctor who says it's bursitis and has given me an injection of cortisone.  I'm thankful that surgery is not needed.  I still have pain but not as severe and in a couple of months we'll see if another injection is necessary.

Another factor in my decision is that I've lost some of the drive that it takes to make such a trip.  After returning from a two month trip to Europe I was traveled out and I had no desire to head out for  a six week trip.  I figured that if I waited to make the decision the drive to go would return, but it hasn't.  Weighing on my mind is the nagging pain I'm experiencing.  I would hate to be mid Camino and have the pain get worse causing me to end my walk.  In an effort to get back in the zone, so to speak, I will began training for the Camino as though I was going in May, minus the backpack.  I am currently riding my bike about 140 miles a week and  along with some weight training I will start walking again.

So I will take care of my shoulder, do what the doctor says and hopes that the desire to walk returns.


  1. Thank you for your comment on my blog, Dana. I hope that your bursitis has quieted! I intend to blog while on my camino - I haven't communicated with my provider yet to know if I can do that ( $$$) while on my camino - or transcribe journaling to blog after I'm finished. Plane tickets- check. Passport - check. I am still dealing with one heel that refuses to feel the way I'd like - but taking that in stride (no pun intended - even a pun can be painful).
    I enjoyed your photos from California - currently have a child in grad school there and that is the next trip for me after my camino.
    Sending good, good vibes that your camino sorts itself out and materializes for you soon :)


  2. ps - drive for me is like the ocean; low tide and high tide; I remind myself of goals even when the moment has passed - Ultreia!

  3. Here's hoping you're blogging. I don't know what you'll be using to blog with, but WIFI will be widely available on the camino. Having blogged from foreign countries, it's pretty easy and no cost, unless you're connecting via a phone link. A good friend of mine who has walked the camino tell me I should leave my tablet at home to better experience the walk. Probably good advise, but I'll most likely be taking it with me. The bursitis is better, still some pain but getting better. This year is now out for my camino, so here's hoping for next year.
